Naturopath, Yoga Therapist & Teacher

    Welcome to Naturosuisse Consult

    Are you looking for solutions to health-issues that allow you to participate autonomously, use natural remedies such as researched herbs and nutrition and exercises that have no side-effects? Most clients I see have below health complaints.
    • Menopause, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Sleep-issues
    • Ageing complaints, Joint- and spinal health
    • Women's health issues
    • Gut-Health

    Why I believe I can be of service to you here.

    Stay safe, stay well.

    Online Consults and Yoga Therapy Sessions are available via a safe and data-protected platform. Clear instructions are given here Online Consult/Session Instructions.


    In Health and Joy

    Book an Appointment

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Monika consults, practices and teaches in Osteohub in a team with two osteopaths as well as online within a secure practitioner platform.
