
Restoring Gut-Health

What conditions does this approach treat?

As G.E.M.M addresses all human cells, the treatment approach is to address many health issues at the same time.

Will G.E.M.M. help to improve my immune function?

While targeting digestive health is the first step of the G.E.M.M. Protocol, the second step focuses on restoring the communication between the gut and its underlying immune network. In doing so, G.E.M.M. balances the complex immune system, thereby enhancing the response to infection while reducing allergy and autoimmune reactions.

Will G.E.M.M. give me long term results?

For GEMM to give long-lasting results, it is required that you maintain the diverse array of health-promoting foods and lifestyle. Your new lifestyle habits will make it remarkably easy to maintain good health.

What is the G.E.M.M. Protocol?

The G.E.M.M. protocol (Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation) is a way to improve your gut and overall health by utilising your body’s own defence mechanisms and healing abilities. It utilises an inclusive diet together with effective natural therapeutics to encourage your body to heal itself.

Why is G.E.M.M. different from other gut repair systems?

Rather than trying to micro-manage individual microbes within your gut, G.E.M.M. utilises foods that allow the gut cells to ‘decide’ on the correct microbial balance. This approach means that your native bacterial flora can flourish whilst the undesirable species are out-competed; gradually the appropriate balance is restored, utilising the remarkable properties of the single layer of cells lining the gut.

Does G.E.M.M. require a specific ‘diet’?

The G.E.M.M food principles are based on variety and seasonality. Your practitioner will adapt these principles to your individual needs initially, while aiming to improve diversity of wholefoods as you progress through G.E.M.M.

How are G.E.M.M clinicians qualified to use this approach?

G.E.M.M. clinicians must have formal qualifications in Integrative Medicine, Naturopathy, Medicine or Nutrition and have enrolled and passed the G.E.M.M. Foundations course. G.E.M.M. clinicians then need to pass a rigorous test in order to be accredited.

Is G.E.M.M. a lifestyle approach?

G.E.M.M is a holistic programme that requires balance across all aspects of an individual’s health. Some people may need to work more on their sleep and rest routine, whereas others might need to work more on how they exercise.

Is this programme underpinned by science?

Every step in the G.E.M.M Protocol is backed by evidence-based research. Your G.E.M.M Practitioner has reviewed this research while studying the Foundations course.
