
Is Ilness a Friend or a Foe?


The battle against illness

Every time someone gets sick, we wish them a fast recovery. When we get sick, we just want it to be over. Feeling lousy, breathing is difficult, discharge, nauseousness, vomiting or diarrhea are all extremely unpleasant experiences.

Sickness as “blessing in disguise”

Who – in their right mind – will claim that being sick is a “blessing in disguise”? We call it a disease, but we really are in dis-ease. We want to get rid of it, so we pop pills to suppress the symptoms, such as runny noses and headaches. We’ve become good at that – there is a pill for almost all symptoms and so we keep pushing the symptoms deeper into the body.

Suppressing symptoms may lead to chronic health issues

As you do that often enough, chronic health problems may arise. A cough develops that just wouldn’t go away, the back keeps hurting each time the medicine wears off. Despite all the conventional medicine available, lifestyle and chronic illnesses have been on the rise.

The body is well equipped

What if you would look at dis-ease as an imbalance of the body and mind, caused by inner and outer circumstances and what if you would let your desperate body just do its marvelous job by allowing it to clean out the debris (runny noses, vomiting, diarrhea), knocking you down with fever, so all you want to do is sleep (the immune-system works the strongest during sleep)? What if you would rest and drink that broth and tea and aid your body and mind by patiently allowing your body to recover?

When did you last allow yourself to just be sick?

Do you remember how you just wanted to eat clean food, not drink that coffee and go to bed at a reasonable hour after recovery? Do you remember how your body wasn’t aching for a while – even after exercise – and you sensed a peace and gratefulness that gave you renewed strength?

Are you leading a clean and stress-free life?

I implore you to try it out – because unless you are eating clean, are fasting on a regular basis, lead a more or less stress-free life and live in the countryside with lots of moving-space, you are bound to become sick once in a while as this is the only way for your body and mind to regain balance. Essentially that’s what dis-ease is – an imbalance and the body it its infinite wisdom is doing everything to get you back to health. So be a good occupant of your body and assist it instead of suppressing all the elimination-channels.

Rest, eat easy-to-digest foods and more

You can do that via rest, easy-to-digest foods, such as soups and porridges and by drinking lots of warm water and/or herbal teas. If you wish you can support your body by giving it some extra nutrients through supplements and herbs or align its healing powers via homeopathic remedies.

Your choice: Friend or Foe

Ultimately it’s a choice we make, surrender for a while to the dis-ease, assist your body to eliminate and get well or fight an illness and be miserable when it keeps coming back to haunt you as the body just couldn’t do what it was meant to do: create balance.

Written on 4-11-2019 by Monika Ramasamy

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